
“Over the course of 2 years we saw a notable reduction in cigarette butt litter. As much as 80% less cigarette litter on the grounds and on the river. Once the word got out to use the pocket ashtrays and to respect the river and the land a change began to take place. Jack and Sarah volunteered with my Green River Collective crew and worked tirelessly handing out pocket ashtrays and setting up a cigarette butt recycling program spreading a new consciousness to the festival. As a result we have a cleaner festival, a healthier river ecosystem and we spend far less hours picking up cigarette butts. To any community faced with a cigarette litter problem I would recommend the braingarden.ca approach of handing out pocket ashtrays to smokers with the message of making positive choices for a cleaner, healthier environment”


The Shambhala Green River Collective

“The City of North Vancouver has been very pleased with the success of the Pocket Ashtrays. The feedback we have received from residents and users of the product has been amazing. The product is very light weight for people to carry, easy to dispose of the content, and no smell.”


City of North Vancouver

“Thank you VERY much for producing and sending us the pocket ashtrays earlier this year. I cannot overstate the major positive impact having these pocket ashtrays has made on Surfrider’s ability to connect with and improve the cigarette butt litter here in Southern California.”


Surf Riders Foundation San Diego Chapter

Reviews of Brain Garden Pocket Ashtrays

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