How to recycle Tobacco Product Waste for free & help raise money towards our current initiative, The Tobacco Waste L.E.W.P. (Litter Education & Wildfire Prevention) It’s easy as 1, 2, 3.
1 – Empty your Pocket Ashtray at the end of every day into a sealed bucket/air tight container. When you have 4 lbs contact us by phone: 1-250-938-4202 or e-mail: & we will email you a FREE shipping label (compliments of our friends at TerraCycle).
2 – Find a bag & insert cigarette waste (tobacco pouches, outer cellophane wrap, inner pack foil, & of course butts & tobacco) & then double bag it with a good quality airtight bag (to protect the UPS driver from the toxic fumes) Then put that bag of butts into an appropriate sized box. Tape the box shut & tape the shipping label on!
3 – Call UPS to come to pick up that TOXIC WASTE (literally) or drop it off at a UPS store so they can deliver it. TerraCycle will compost the excess organic material & recycle the butts into hard plastic materials.
This process helps generate funds towards our Bucks for Butts campaign!